Sunday, August 3, 2008

On the way

I took an awesome picture for you on my phone, but it looks like I got
no reception out here.

Well it's really beautiful, cold, and really cold but so beautiful.
Oh and the smell is incredible! So far the fam thing is going alright
Darwin is really funny in a way I'm not used too. I totally see how he
and his wife are meant for each other. But it is definatly clear that
I am the funniest one in the family. At least by my standards!!!
(that doesn't even make any sense). Well I usually don't make sense.

Well I wanted to drop a note because texting and talking isn't working
out so well here. my dad has service so maybe if I get really

Kind of weird it's monday. Hope you are enjoying the iphone and let
me know what you decide about work whenever that happens. While
I'm gone study for that GMAT!

I hope you don't miss me too bad, I know how after a weekend you get
soft. Well this is going to be a long trip! Feel free to email me
whenever, I'll be here.

love dre

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