Monday, January 26, 2009

Tour de Utah with Dre as your guide

Hey check out my pics of Luke's trip to Utah. I wanted to show him how awesome Utah is, and now I got the slideshow to prove it.

Also a picture perfect moment for me, I landed my first cliff over 20 feet.

Do you see me and Zack at the top. That's where we dropped in. Making sure we would be in the frame. Then moments later:

It was great day of riding. A day I'm sure I'll always remember. Thanks Milly!

And shout out to Sean and Zack my riding buddies for the day. They were a blast, to keep up with, and show them a thing or two.


Laura Lee said...

Cool pictures! I'm so glad I was able to participate in some of the fun.

luke_witkowski said...

My trip to Utah was EPIC! Thanks Andrea for making Utah my second favorite state!