Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A street so great they named it Deming Way

My name to fame! Luke found my street! I'll let my siblings and Kiara steal this pic.

Other claim to fame:

I love salmon, and apparently it is a fan of me as well!
And why stop there;
Wikipedia says it was founded in 1881, a pallandrom AND exactally 100 years before I was born! It was also nick named the New Chicago, and Chicago is my favorite city! This city is named after Mary Ann Deming Crocker, wife of Charles Crocker, one of the big rail road guys. And this is the city that houses the Silver Spike. And I live in the city close to the GOLDEN SPIKE. Imagin the odds! It's all coming up Me!
And is DEMING, not DEMMMING. And if you are Luke; it Deminggggggggah!


Laura Lee said...


...hey that's a palindrome too!

Rhett said...

It's posts like these that remind me why we are such good friends... :)

dre said...

Because I write so poorly or because I'm so centered on how great I am...?