Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thanks FB now I have to have a shiz load of children!

Andrea L. Deming wants to name her first child three, and the second child eleven.

Doug Watson- You Would...
Nic Heinz- The 3rd Nic - without a k... it sounds better.
Jeff Foster- The 4th child Four, just to mix it up.
Chad Colunga- and 5th child, Worst Band Ever? or maybe just, Blehhhh! haha
John Perkins- stick with "nick"...
Jeff Foster- 6th: Eight, 7th: Sixteen, 9th: AM
Miranda Jennings- You should name the last one . As in period. Or how about semi-colon?
Britnie Arens- Or how about 46.... More days!! I fully support your names. Simply genious!
Andrea L. Deming- Jeff! Good name! That song is top 10 fav
Davey J- I won tix for their upcoming concert on x96
Spencer Curtis- Name another one 7, then if you hate 311 one day, youll love slurpees the other.
Eric Lott- 10th: 2 score 11th: 5
Emilee Smith Pike- I feel weird that you are talking about having kids. Andrea, what's gotten into you?
April Dyer Smith- Why am I not surprised?
Brady Greenhalgh- Too late, you would be stealing my offsprings name! And don't even think about NixHex or Lil Sexton, P Nutty, SA or My Man Mahoney....they are all TAKEN


Rhett said...

Out of all that, I got that your friends are weird. ha ha ha

Georgiana said...

I forgot I wanted to cash in on this naming opportunity. My vote for your baby?: "My name's Nick.. Xehum!" Word.