Friday, August 8, 2008

Oregon - Late Drive Home

Ha Ha! Deadliest catch, that's friggin awesome!

Well happy birthday boy, I wish I could be there. I hope I can write
enough in this email, but the kids are bugging me to play table

If I was there this is what we would do for your birthday..... call in
sick to work, find a nice pastry shop for a light breakfast, take a
trip to lagoon but only half day, just the scary rides. Then rent a
room at your fav restaurant and invite all your friends, bring you
home for presents then after midnight bring out your
rented-disease-free stripper...blond.

Then a good nights sleep!

Well since I'm not there I hope you have fun and I'll let you know
what's going on.

Yesterday we had to pick up ryan. I started getting sea sick because
my dad moves the wheel back and forth rather quickly. Like he gets
distracted, drifts half an inch and jerks it back. I tell him about it but he
gets fussy if I bring it up. Then Ryan misses his flight....of course he does. So we go to
the mall for some eats and a movie. What guess it
Sisterhood of the Traveling poo, I mean pants! Where did that come
from. It's bad enough that I'm reading a teenage romance, but then I
watch a teen movie with FOUR sappy love stories. Heavens.
So we pick up Ryan, and I bump into someone from Springville (running
into someone I know-check).

The drive home, my favorite part. It's dark and we are really tired.
But I drop this line "Uhm I don't think this looks framilar" Ryan
being the McGroober he is with his new fancy blackberry pulls up the
GPS and tells us we are on the wrong road. We are on the wrong road,
but close so no biggie....UNTIL we end up Bum dung You Got a Pretty
Mouth territory. I'm just laughing between my observation of we're in
the wrong direction (at night) my mom looking at a map (who does
that?) and my dad's commentary of where we are.

We make it home and there were so many things I was trying to remember
to tell you but I was so tired 2am utah time!! My dad's a champ,
wasn't sleepy. I had werid dreams of breast feeding my baby girl and
other such randomness.

Well the crabs are calling and I'm not talking about my std. But
guess what, we totally watched a whale out on our deck. Geo and I run
to the ocens edge in our PJ's to see it again. IT WAS AMAZING. Have
you seen a whale? I have! It's pretty cool. And the kids saw it too!

These kids are full of energy. Gotta go!

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