Thursday, August 14, 2008

This is creepy!

R: So last night we talked about Van Damme movies and today, Eric Snider review one! go here:

A: That was awesome! I have got to see that movie again!!

R: Ha ha ha. So i saw tropic thunder last night..... freakin hilarious!

A: WTF??? I saw tropic thunder last night and it blew me away it was
SOOOO funny. I was laughing that really loud decible uncontrollable
laugh, you know that one, the laugh that makes you laugh cuz its so
loud? Freak it was so funny! RDjr I love so much!!!!!

R: Sweet! Ya i was laughing so hard that i hit soprano level! When he threw the baby off the bridge I almost died from not being able to breathe! We should have seen it together! We still should!

A: I DO want to see it agian, but the movie IS so funny I don't want to
see it with someone for their first time. You know how I ruin the
funny parts! Its so funny I wouldn't be able to hold back. That baby
throw was amazing! And there were a few lines in there I thought I
could use for my life motto and I can't remember what they were.
Seriously, my new fav person is Danny McBride. I just was Pinapple
Express "thug life"! That was pretty funny too.

Oh I'm on a trip and saw two movies in the 3 days I'm here. Yeah think
about that!

R: Ok me and you will go. And we can take joe because I don't think he cares if we laugh before the funny stuff comes on. We'll ask him

A: Saweet! I am so GLAD I am coming home today!!!!!!! This
place to sum it up, Yuba city is a giant produce city. We did visit some friends but they all
party. We have slept a lot, we got
those two movies in and we helped Matt move. And the day in San Fran
wasn't enough. Her mom made this huge feast
when we got here and it was AMAZING!

SO funny. I'll be home tonight!

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